The expression of aspheric surface is obtained by solving numerically equations based on law of conservation of energy and refraction law by mathematical software. 根据光束传输的能量分配守恒法则和折射定律建立方程组,通过数学软件数值求解方程组,解得非球面矢高表达式。
The law of conservation of energy also takes a simple form. This is the well-known principle of conservation of momentum. 能量守恒定律也获得简单的形式。这就是众所周知的动量守恒定律。
This method uses the law of conservation of energy, adopts the method of sectioning and the cam profile is designed according to the outputted speed curve. 该方法应用能量守恒定律,采用分段的方法,按输出的速度曲线设计凸轮廓线。
This sweeping generalization is the law of conservation of energy. 这一透彻的概括就是能量守恒定律。
According to the Law of Conservation of Energy heat equivalent to that which is required to change a solid into liquid must be given out when the reverse change takes place. 根据能量守恒定律,液体变为固体时放-出的热量必定等于该固体变为液体时所需的热量。
Kinetic analysis of flexible threshing under law of conservation of energy 基于能量守恒的柔性脱粒动力学分析
You must master the law of conservation of energy. 你必须掌握能量守衡定律。
I invented a breakthrough new source of energy which violates the law of conservation of energy. 我发明了一种突破性的新的能源来源,违反了能量守恒定律。
The article uses the law of conservation of energy to analyse the energy transformation in the course of magnetic field acting on electrie current. It discusses the work of magnet force and the basic relationship between magnetic energy and power supply. 应用能量转换与守恒原理,分析了磁场对电流作用过程中的能量转换问题,论述了磁力劝、磁场能与电源提供能量的基本关系。
The heat pump is modeled based on the law of conservation of energy. 在热泵端,基于能量守恒定律等热力学方程建立了热量传递模型。
In the science of conservation of energy, the law of conservation of energy is accounted for ruling and leading position. 在能量守恒科学中,占统治与主导地位的是能量守恒定律。
Based on the law of conservation of energy and related theory, build up the respiration-evaporation models of fruits and vegetables. 根据能量守恒定律及相关理论,建立气调包装中果蔬产品的呼吸蒸发模型。
The relationship between force and mass, velocity is reconsidered according to the law of conservation of energy; 主要讨论四个问题:根据能量守恒定律重新考虑力与质量、速度的关系;
The paper analyses and discusses these two phenomana with respect to the law of conservation of energy and momentum. 本文对与之相应的动量守恒问题和能量守恒问题进行了分析和讨论。
On the basis of the slender body theory of James Lighthill, this paper calculates the thrust efficiency of robotic fish with the law of conservation of energy, the law of momentum and the law of wave. 以JamesLighthill的鱼类的细长体理论为基础,利用能量守恒定理、动量定理和波动理论来分析计算仿生机器鱼在推进中的效率。
In this paper, according to the law of conservation of energy a new method is put forward that can simultaneously deduce the calculation formulas of transmission ratio and efficiency by solving torque equations of gear trains. 本文根据能量守恒定律,提出用新的力矩法,通过求解轮系的力矩方程组便能同时推导出传动比与效率的计算公式;同时,还能分析轮系中的功率流向。
When the motion tracks of two objects intersect, they may collide and have interference. Before and after their collision, they meet law of conservation of momentum and law of conservation of energy. 两个物体的运动轨迹相交时,将发生碰撞、干涉,在碰撞前后满足动量守恒和能量守恒定律。
In this paper we define the reflectance and the transmittance, and then by calculation we further identify that radiant energy obeys law of conservation of energy as the light passes increased transmission layer. 本文定义反射比和透射比后,通过具体计算,证明光通过增透膜时,辐射仍能满足能量守恒定律。
The principle and method of measuring underwater bullet are introduced. The relations between speed and displacement of underwater bullet are discussed briefly based on experimental data. The curve of speed and drag force of underwater bullet is analyzed on the basis of law of conservation of energy. 简要介绍了水下枪弹运动速度的测量原理、方法,根据实验数据探讨了水下枪弹运动速度与位移的关系,由能量守恒定律分析了水下枪弹运动速度-阻力曲线。
This paper discusses the reflection about the Law of Conservation of Energy in Electromagnetism from the aspects of Lenz's Law, Maxwell Equations and Poynting Theorem. 从楞次定律、麦克斯韦方程组、坡印廷定理3个方面论述了能量守恒定律在电磁学中的体现。
From the principle of symmetry, law of conservation of energy is proved. And have a simple geometric express for time translation symmetry and conservation of energy. 从对称性原理出发,证明了能量守恒定律,并对时间平移对称性与能量守恒作了简单的几何表述。
Making use of the law of conservation of energy, the variation of energy in the sleeve of dry-single screw extruder was analyzed and a kind of calculating formula about power of the main shaft was put forward and the feasibility was verified by other two kinds of extruders. 利用能量守恒定律,分析了干法单螺杆膨化机机筒中的能量变化,提出了一种主轴电机功率的计算公式,并用另两种膨化机验证了该公式的准确性和可用性。
The Law of Conservation of Energy in Capacitor 电容器中的能量守恒定律
Method Using of law of conservation of energy, the heat exchange equation between man and environment was built, and the factors that can affect the heat balance of human body were discussed. 方法利用能量守恒原理建立人与环境热交换方程,并根据不同热交换途径以及影响散热的因素建立相关方程。
Firstly, according to movement relationship of connecting rod, the author established compressor kinematics model. And then through law of conservation of energy, the author established flux differential equation of admission and release process used by hydrodynamics, engineering thermodynamics and related theories. 首先根据曲柄连杆机构的运动关系建立了空压机运动学模型,然后根据能量守恒定律,运用流体力学、工程热力学的相关理论,建立了进排气过程的流动微分方程。
Based on the law of conservation of energy and the analysis of the detailed movement of beam pumping unit by complex vector analysis, mathematical model of electric current, polish rod load and point of suspension displacement was established. 以能量守恒定律为基础,同时利用复变矢量法对游梁式抽油机的运动规律的分析,建立了电流与光杆载荷及悬点位移之间关系的数学模型。
More specifically, things with metaphysical necessity are meta-laws, such as the Law of Conservation of Energy, whereas things with physical/ natural necessity are first-order laws, such as Newton Law of Gravitation. 具体而言,具有形而上学必然性的是元定律,诸如能量守恒定律等;具有物理/自然必然性的是一阶定律,比如牛顿引力定律。
In the whole process, pyromagnetic effect is to participate in the whole law of conservation of energy. 在整个过程中,热致磁效应是参与整个能量守恒律的。
Both ground and air surface exchange of energy, follow the law of conservation of energy, surface energy as long wave radiation out to receive solar radiation, in order to maintain energy balance. 地表交换地下与空中二者的能量,遵循能量守恒定律,地表以长波向外辐射能量,接收太阳短波辐射,以维持能量平衡。
Basing on the law of conservation of energy, this study creates a physical model of different pan evaporation to analyze the differences in the physical processes of the interaction between evaporation pan and environment. 本研究基于能量守恒定律建立不同蒸发皿蒸发物理模型,分析了不同蒸发皿与环境相互作用的物理过程差异。